Meet our capable, caring, and smart team of instructors.

We consistently participate in continuing education so that we can continue to offer a high level of specialized instruction year in and year out.

This isn't a hobby for us - we take your time and your needs seriously. Though there is no legal license required to teach most types of fitness, (Pilates included) we hold ourselves to the highest standards and never consider ourselves "finished" learning.

Join us and experience the difference of working out smarter!


Amy Cieslik Mena

Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, B.S. Clinical Exercise Physiology

Founder, Studio Manager

I have a passion for movement. A competitive gymnast in my youth, I have transitioned though several sports and activities throughout the years including track and field, distance running, cheering and tumbling, swimming, collegiate sailing, and martial arts. I deeply enjoy a challenge; I’ve competed in triathlons for years and don’t plan on being done for a long time. I’ve always tried to stay as well rounded as possible: one day I am on the reformer, maybe the next day I'm on the Peloton or in a Crossfit class… or getting my workout in lifting the stroller in and out of the car! As a mom of two, I’ve found it deeply important to treat my body as well as I can so that I can (sometimes!) feel like the best, strong and capable parent I can be.

In my personal practice, Pilates is a not an option but a necessity. I believe unequivocally that Pilates keeps my muscles strong, my strength balanced and my body injury free through all of my varied training, sports and interests. 

Amy's Certifications & Training

  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science (Clinical Exercise Physiology) from Boston University

  • 500 Hour Balanced Body Comprehensive Pilates Certification

  • Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher

  • Also certified in Spinning, Barre and TRX

Special Populations Experience:

Pre/post natal, competitive athletes, seniors, children, clients with diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis/osteopenia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, M.S., knee, shoulder and lower back injuries, herniated or bulging discs, recent knee or hip replacements, and various other orthopedic concerns. Exercise and physical activity can help with such a wide range of physical and mental ailments. With the proper safety precautions, anyone can achieve the benefits of exercise.

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Alyssa Dedrick

Alyssa started her journey with Pilates as a teen when she was a competitive figure skater. Pilates gave her the core strength to center her spins, the endurance to skate faster and longer, and the strength to jump higher than before. Alyssa began to study Pilates instruction in 2006 and continues to do so.

Alyssa is BodyAccess Certified in both Pilates Mat and Reformer in addition to more recent classical training across all apparatus in 2016. Alyssa has a BA in Psychology, and she hopes to assist any individual that is looking to better themselves by way of mind and body.


Kristen DeLillo

Kristen DeLillo is a dance artist and teacher from MA. After college she moved to NYC where she pursued dance and began her pilates career. Kristen received training through Polestar Pilates, a rehab focused philosophy of movement. She went on to work in physical therapy offices assisting physical therapists and teaching Pilates to patients. She also taught clients under her own business, guiding clients in full body mindful workouts. Her love of dance has fueled her personal teaching philosophy, infusing opposition and length into every session. Having moved back to MA, Kristen is ready to continue teaching Pilates and meeting new faces.

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Amy Finegold

Amy has been an avid Pilates and fitness enthusiast and is known by many in our area for her impeccable fashion talents and as former owner of the fabulous Dresscode boutique in Andover. Amy has embarked head first into a passionate career teaching Pilates and has amassed an impressive log of hours as a student teacher since early 2019. Her attention to detail shows in every lesson she teaches.

Her teaching style is precise and challenging yet encouraging and empowering. Amy continues weekly mentoring sessions and is actively working toward comprehensive certification. Her personal experience with injuries and surgeries give her a unique perspective on managing what we see as limitations and she empowers her students to feel strong and capable.


Noah Herron

Noah started his journey with Pilates as a teenager when he was in training to become a professional ballet dancer. After graduating from the nutmeg conservatory for the arts he moved to NYC and danced for various ballet companies and even toured around the world for 3 years. In 2018 he became certified in the classical Pilates method through Balanced Pilates in NYC and continued to teach there for the next 2 years.

Now he lives in Haverhill with his partner and 3 year old twins. They certainly keep him busy, but he still makes time to share the power of Pilates with his community. He believes strongly in what Pilates can do for the health of one’s body and mind.

He has worked with clients of all ages and backgrounds and firmly believes Pilates is for everyone. Whether a fitness enthusiast or newcomer, someone rehabilitating from an injury or surgery, a pregnant or postpartum woman, or a Pilates veteran, there is something life changing to glean from a session with Noah.